Maps and Networks Brainstorm #1

Monday 16th November


This project enables you to explore the metaphor of 'Maps' and/or 'Networks' to investigate narrative and non-linear ideas, enabling experimental approaches to the static or moving image.

Group discussions in Jeremiah's class

Kaitlan- idea of false memory. How it's presented in films. How films depicted memory.

Total recall, inception.

Study with rats. Implanted false memories into their brain. 

What does the brief mean to you?

Victoria- connection. Looking through window's. Little window's into people's lives.

Could take the work to a personal project.

Collaborate with someone else. If there's justification to do this. You outline specific roles.

Festival in a box- put your project in a box form basically to distribute it.

How do we package this online?

My idea- family tree.

Are there any massive archives online? Public domain. Re-sampling public domain artefacts.


Sound- invasion of man made machine. 

Finding spaces where there's no human sounds.

Annie- use of digital tracking.

Reality vs fantasy. Altering your opinion online. People's interpretation and use of social media.

Take the piss out of something. 

You could write a short story? Create an alternate universe? Example: someone leaves a group on social media, where did they go? Will we ever see them again?

Playful and mischievous.

Creative people tend to be more observant. Focus on observation? 

Word association exercise.

Write prose. one everyday.

Write a weird short story, just an achievable thought exercise.

People watching?

Make sure anything you create can be adaptable. covid wise.

This is the one you need to take ownership on. 

Fill out the learning agreement that Jeremiah will send.

Zoom mishaps. Not realising the camera is on.

In the session today we discussed many different routes that we could potentially go down with this project. I still don't have a clear idea or theme that i want to pursue yet but some others were relatively in the same boat. I did put forward that i was interested in sound and Jeremiah mentioned a few interesting things i could look at (mentioned above). I also talked about the idea of looking into family trees. I am interested in the historical aspect of that but i feel like i mainly put that idea forward because it suggests more of a network route as opposed to a maps route. I know that i want to focus on networks; it's just what kind! It was very useful to just open up a dialogue, listen to some other really interesting ideas and also consider how we move the exhibition online if covid was to worsen. This is a big thing to consider so, my plan for the rest of today is to start a general mind map and go from there; just pull out any ideas that really interest me. 


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