Final Series-
Where Do We Go To Dream?
Artist Statement
This series focuses on the meaningfulness of dreams and the little that we know about them. Our dreams and the little that we know about them. Our dreams are built up from past experiences of people/objects we've encountered, yet they are manipulated to become things we don't recognize. We are unsure as to whether dreams are random or if they hold some meaning. I am linking the unpredictability of dreams with the predictability of objects such as Tarot cards. Tarot cards are said to create an interpretation of what's to come in our foreseeable future so i wanted to combine this with dreams we experience. I wanted to find a way to make our dreams physical, as they are so fleeting and hard to remember.
It took me a while to create the right template for the tarot cards on Photoshop as i needed to get the right measurements for the size of a standard card. Eventually, i made each card 7x12 cm with a 300 pixel/inch resolution. I used photographs of people close to me so that i'd have to think harder about taking them out of a familiar context and placing them in a dream-like state. I have to say that the process of creating the cards was very random. I'd come up with new ideas as i went along editing. However, i think this was the best way, as the point of this project was to show the randomness of dreams and having a random process just made the outcome more effective. I wanted each one to be different but i wanted them to hold some similarities in the way they were designed so you knew they were a series. You can tell there's a specific style and, again, that style only emerged through doing the actual process. I didn't want the colours to be over-powering so tried to use more mellow/natural colours. The only card i'm not too sure about it number three. This is simply because i feel like the colours are in-authentic and very vibrant. It's almost too unfamiliar for me. I think one thing i'd do differently if i took this project further is that i'd make cards depicting the less optimistic side of dreaming. This series is very light-hearted and bright in it's nature. It would be interesting to delve into the nightmarish side of things. I am overall very pleased with how this project turned out and i'm glad that i decided to have them presented at a smaller scale (A6). It draws the eye in more and makes you take a closer look.
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