Done through photoshop, using a Wacom tablet:
I drew the buildings free hand and each window too. I will need to find a shortcut regarding the windows, as that was extremely time consuming. I did begin to copy and paste clumps of windows into other buildings, but sometimes that proved to take just as long, adjusting the sizes etc... I got up images of cities like London and New York to inspire shapes for the buildings. I decided to draw a 2-dimensional city scape as i feel like that's what I'm comfortable with at this moment in time, however, i want to do more research into architecture, scaling and perspective so that i can try and experiment with a 3-dimensional world. I kept the character in the city scape very simplistic as i feel like that's all i would need for scenes like this. As, if it was a film, this would be a wide-shot or establishing shot and you would only be able to see the outline of the character anyway. I will leave the detail for when i'm drawing more intimate scenes; conserve my energy. I put the most detail into the costume design just to get a sense of the colours and the aesthetic of the world this character lives in; maybe a sense of her class too.
I took inspiration from the set design in 'Mary and Max' and the style of 'Metropolis' to create this city-scape. I chose a colour palette and made sure to stick to it. For this experiment, i still wanted to create a dystopian world so went for colours that i felt fitted the theme best. The blues and the greens worked really well to create a glow around the city; like a futuristic, sci-fi sunset.
I also took inspiration from '
Spider-man: Into the Spider-verse' to decide how i wanted the city scape to be laid out and in what context i wanted my character.
I have never really done character design before as i'm not very confident at drawing figures and people. So, for the costume design, i traced over a picture of Furiosa from 'Mad Max: Fury Road'. This was simply just to get a feel for the structure of a costume and a character. I plan to build my confidence over the next few days and improve my people drawing skills.
I then played around with colours, sticking to the palette, and tried to make the costume as earthy as possible. Through this exercise, i've learnt that, if i have a clear idea of the scene i want to create and the characters i want in the scene, then i should be able to get one done each day. This does depend on the detail of each scene however, as not all scenes will be as intricate as each other. So, i could potentially get a few done in a day depending. With this exercise, i was loosely basing the drawing off my narrative idea, however, my main goal was just to create a dystopian scene and a dystopian character. I feel like i definitely managed to create a good scene, although they weren't quite finished. I still need to practice drawing faces for characters and just generally build confidence within character design and this will be a vital part of the web-comic. I need strong and original characters to carry this story. What i've also learnt from this exercise is that it's really helpful to have research open on the side; image references and constant inspiration to keep ideas growing.
Overall, i'm very glad that i gave a day to just have fun experimenting, finding my strengths and weaknesses, as i feel like i have a good idea of where to go from here and start designing the proper skeleton of my narrative. I have basic knowledge of photoshop, but that's something i also want to develop through this project.
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