Presentation and Evaluation #8


Ideally, Kaitlan and I would've liked to have been able to complete this project together physically, but i feel like we made the best out of an unfortunate situation. We started brainstorming ideas really early on which i think benefited our progress and allowed us to develop the project as much as we have done. We were both inspired by the same artists and had the same vision for this project from the get go, making communication a lot easier. We both also felt the same excitement for our idea which meant we were able to motivate one another to do more and keep throwing ideas back and forth. Despite the distance, our communication was extremely strong. We assigned roles for each other very early on and stuck to those roles, executing them to our best ability the whole way through the project. We were able to communicate through face-time, email and created two collaborative google documents, which allowed us to see each other's progress and add research of our own whenever we wanted. If we had doubts or questions, neither of us would hesitate to call one another and clear some ideas up.
We both developed skills in different software and researched plenty of ideas to experiment with when we see each other again. I wouldn't fault our teamwork at all! There have been no issues with each other and completing this project has been a lot of fun and occupied the strange times we're all living in at the moment. Kaitlan's focus was digital animation and design while mine was soundscapes and set building. However, we both assisted each other through these processes. I would definitely work with her again and we hope to re-ignite this project sometime in the near future. We have high hopes for this concept and want to take it much further than just a production pack. All this time locked at home, although frustrating, has given us the vital time we needed to really develop our ideas and create a solid structure that can keep building once back at uni.
We see this project not only becoming a film but hopefully a physically installation as well.
Our only issues were that we physically couldn't produce a final film, unless we created separate versions which we didn't want to do. We felt like this concept deserved to be finalised when it can be the best it can be. And that will be when we can combine both our sets and experiment with everything in the studio together.
I really enjoyed creating the paper set and developing a soundscape for each world and the buildings that populate them. I would like to develop my soundscapes further and definitely need to construct more buildings so that we have plenty to experiment with when we see each other. I think my research has been relevant and thorough, and I've really enjoyed this project.


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